Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Loving

I love Sundays. Since having my boy it has become my very favourite day of the week, as it is family day.
Its the one day a week where the only plan is to spend the day together as a three, and do whatever we fancy. The only ruling is no playing football for hubby, and no crafting for me, until after baby Martyn has gone to bed.
And today was a lazy one. We went out for an all you can eat breakfast at our local
Harvester, then went to visit some friends, followed by a much needed nap, and a roast dinner.
Now the boy is in bed, I've been busying myself with making some Christmas cards, and finding some more challenges to enter.
for which I would like to enter this card, made using my trusty Silhouette, in a simple mix of only pink and white.
I will toodle in over the week with a few more, but I have my first craft fair for a loooong time this Saturday, so should really make sure I have plenty of stock for that!
Lel x

Saturday, October 25, 2014

So Much For Getting Back Into It

So much for getting back into blogging more frequently. 
I'd like to say I've been too busy or something, but actually its just sheer laziness on my part. I've made plenty this week, I'm preparing for my first few stalls as a mumma, so have plenty of cards to take photos of.
I just haven't.
I've just been in the mind set of 'I really can't be bothered to find the camera and somewhere good to take some good photos, or take everything up with me to scan them all in to the computer instead'.
Like I said. Sheer laziness.
Hopefully I will do something about it tomorrow, as there are a couple of challenges I want to do cards for. But first it is family day on a sunday, and I am very much looking forward to that!
Lel x 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Poem For Our Boy.

I'm sharing something a little bit different with you today, as I have mainly been making cards for orders for people, rather then to share.
I've mentioned before that I Love to write. And that I don't write nearly as much as I should, but I had a real moment of inspiration this evening.
My three month old boy is my absolute world. And he has the biggest smile you could see in the day time, but just before he falls asleep, as does the cutest little half smile. It's like he is going over the events of the day, and telling himself that he enjoyed all he did. It melts my heart all over again, every time that I see it.
And tonight it inspired some poetry. So here it is ~
A Poem For Our Boy.
A little smile when you are sleeping,
Tiny eyes that peep,
Our little man, with Daddies hands,...
You have made our life complete.
Our little boy, our fox cub,
With Mummies button nose.
The cutest pout,
There is no doubt,
We Love to watch you grow.
Our perfect little dreamer,
Who loves games of peek-a-boo,
And story times,
And nursery rhymes,
Oh, Daddy and I Love you.
Lel x 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Being Inspired

You probably don't know, but I am from a place called Peterborough.
And every year we host The Great Eastern Run. A half marathon that loops around some of the city, starting and ending at Peterborough Embankment. This year my Father-in-Law ran it again, and so hubby and I took the boy to meet his Grandad as he finished.
Its something that I have been saying for a few years that I want to do. And seeing everyone there today, has really inspired me to enter for next year. Now, I haven't run for a good few years, but what better way to get back into running, then to have something to aim for, a year from now. And what better way to help me lose some of this baby weight.
So alongside my crafty posts, for the next year I will be tracking my progress on here, in a bid to keep me focused!
And on the theme of inspiration, I spent some more time Googling this afternoon to find some more papercrafting challenges. I've found that they are a good way to help me decide what to make when I'm drawing a bit of a blank, as my head is currently filled with Nursery Rhymes!
And so this evening I have made my namesake into a cute card, to enter into the following challenges:
This card follows the sketch challenge for the CAS Colours and Sketches Blog, once again uses the Autumn theme for Pan Pastels, and Uses a heat embossed stamp for the Clean and Simple on Sunday Blog.
The stamp is from a set that came with the Cardmaking and Papercraft magazine, which is matted onto a copper self-adhesive paper. It is finished with both gold and copper glitter.
That's all for me tonight folks, best go and sort the steriliser out for the boy.
Lel x

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A 'Challenging' Time.

After spending a bit of time on the net today, I suddenly thought to check out the blog challenge over at
This is one challenge that I always used to enter, and having been away for a while, I had completely forgotten about it. So I was really pleased to mooch on over after I had put the boy to bed to see what this weeks theme was.
Seeing the theme of Autumn, really inspired me get my bum off the sofa, and to the old bureau that I now use as my craft space, to make a card. (I should take a photo of it one day and show you, but right now it is so chaotic its unbelievable.)
I LOVE Autumn. Its m favourite season, I love the colours of the leaves changing, Bonfire Night, and the fact that it means that the Fair is in town. Hubby and I nearly always go. Not to go on the rides ~ the thought of the Waltzers now makes me feel sick, but to look at the lights, and buy sweets.
But I digress.
So for my entry to the Pan Pastels blog, I went for a CAS card. Using only red, copper and gold glitter, and a tiny about of yellow ink, I made an Oh So Simple hot air balloon image, (that I had cut with my Silhouette Portrait) Oh So Sparkly.
I'm back sitting on the sofa writing this right now, and all I can see out the corner of my eye is the glitter catching the light. I have to say, I am a little bit in love with it.
I would say excuse the mess in the background, but there are no two ways about it. I AM a messy crafter.
Whilst I was at my desk, I also made a card for another challenge.
I've been meaning to make a card for this over the last few days. But the theme for the FIRST EVER challenge she has hosted is 'pink ribbon' and all of my ribbon is hanging nicely organised upstairs in my old craft space, in the same room that my boy happens to be sleeping in.
However, when searching for something else in the bureau, I happened to come across a tiny amount, so hey presto. Here it is.
Now I haven't used one of the Karleigh Sue digi's for this, as I currently have no printer ink, so went for a playful monochrome butterfly instead, using just white card, a holographic paper, and pink ribbon.
And that is all for now folks, hubby is commenting on how much glitter there currently is on the floor, and my face, so I guess that is my cue to go and clear it up.
Lel x