Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Tomorrow (Wednesday) sees me at Peterborough City Market for the first time with Somewhere To.
And I'm nervous.
I have absolutely no idea why. After all, its just another stall, and I've done a LOT of those over the last year.
But this feels different.
I think its because its a complete unknown, and something that I REALLY want to do well at. I'm completely grateful for the opportunity, and so pleased that my birthday is at the end of the year so that it is something that I can be involved with (thanks for that Mum)~ I just can't shake these butterflies off.
Hopefully when I get there in the morning and am ready to trade (8:30, really, these people obviously haven't met me before) I will be feeling a little better, and I'm sure everyone else will be feeling the same.
And so as I sign out for the night, and put myself to be, I leave you with these lovely butterflies to match the ones I have.
Lel x.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the early start, i'm sure you'll be fine once you have everything set-up and ready. Sue x
