Friday, May 17, 2013

A Little Thank You

If You Don't Try,You Won't Fail.

But you won't succeed either.

I've been telling myself this a lot lately. My market stall wasn't quite as great as I thought it might be on Wednesday. But I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't always about making money  (yeah right). Sometimes its about meeting that person that could have that much needed influence on your business. And othertimes its about taking a step back and re-assessing yourself.

I took the latter out of it, and have been thinking about what I need to change ready for my next stall there. Hopefully implementing these new ideas will help me a little, and I'll come back from the days work feeling a little more positive.

I have to admit, that I did come back from the day feeling a little deflated. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do, but standing around in the freezing cold and wet and not really doing how you want to can get you down.

But the arrival of Thursday turned it all around.

If theres one thing I'm most proud of about my business, its the number of returning customers that I have. Afterall, if they keep coming back I must be doing something right.

And come back they did. Walking in the door after a loooonnnggggg day at the day job, 3pm somehow bought with it message after message of regular customers wanting cards. These are the customers that really keep me going, and I couldn't be without them. So I just want to say a quick Thank You to them. You know who you are!

Lel x

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