Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Loving

I love Sundays. Since having my boy it has become my very favourite day of the week, as it is family day.
Its the one day a week where the only plan is to spend the day together as a three, and do whatever we fancy. The only ruling is no playing football for hubby, and no crafting for me, until after baby Martyn has gone to bed.
And today was a lazy one. We went out for an all you can eat breakfast at our local
Harvester, then went to visit some friends, followed by a much needed nap, and a roast dinner.
Now the boy is in bed, I've been busying myself with making some Christmas cards, and finding some more challenges to enter.
for which I would like to enter this card, made using my trusty Silhouette, in a simple mix of only pink and white.
I will toodle in over the week with a few more, but I have my first craft fair for a loooong time this Saturday, so should really make sure I have plenty of stock for that!
Lel x