Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 23. Things You Struggle With, or Craft Something For An Auntie.

The things I struggle with. Hmmm.
Right now I'm struggling with this topic. Do I be really honest, or do I wimp out and tell you the things that I struggle with in my crafting?
As you might be able to tell from that, I struggle with telling my honest feelings when it comes to myself. It's quite easy to sit in front of a computer screen and put words on paper, so to speak, . But to actually form the words, and say them outloud. Thats another matter.
So to honesty. I struggle being the only one of three sisters who doesn't yet have a child.
I am the middle of the three, and happily married to an amazing man, whose baby I would love to have. But we aren't lucky enough for it to have happened for us yet.
 I struggle with the number of people who ask me 'when are you having one'.
And I really struggle with the thought of 'what if I can't have one'.
But thats life. Every day I remind myself that I have two beautiful nieces, a sweet little brother and sister in law, and a monkey of a nephew. Who get my full attention whenever they want it.
And it will happen for me one day.
But to lighten the tone a little....
I am struggling with heat embossing. I MUST be doing something wrong, as I just can't get my powders to melt without burning the paper, or without the ink i'm using drying before it can stick.
Have bought myself an embossing stamp pad to help with that yesterday, but if anyone has any pointers, I could do with the help.
Lel x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Lesley. A very honest post here especially the first part. It will happen for you in the near future and no doubt with all the practice you've had with your nieces / nephew - you'll be a great mother! :)

    Heat embossing wise, I've only got into it recently. What ink are you using to emboss? It helps to be in a cool room to do your embossing and to use a thicker card or paper to try and emboss. Use Versamark when embossing with powders if youre not using that already and practice with it a little and see what inks could work for you. Some techniques need a bit of practice and getting used to it, but keep researching through YouTube or blogs and you'll be able to emboss perfectly!

  3. Very brave of you to say openly what you are struggling with. ( hugsz) It will happen when its meant to and probably when your not looking, if that makes sense. As for the heat embossing. I too only recently got into it. For me it works better if I direct the heat from the top and keep moving it in small movements oh and not too close either.
