I promised I would write this post yesterday, but as usual, I just couldn't find the right words. So I started it, and deleted it three times before turning away from it.
But here I am, finishing what I started.
The blog a day in June, has really helped to open up my eyes into myself. The prompts have made me take an honest look into myself, and at the things that I both want and need in my life.
You see, I really am not very good at saying aloud the things that I really want, or at telling the people closest to me how I really feel. Usually I just shut off and clam up, and although it seems quite contrite to say it, its much easier to sit here behind my screen, and say how I feel, without worrying how it is going to be received.
This last month has made me realise quite a lot of things about myself.
Like how I really love to write
. Its brought back a lot of ideas about things I wanted to do with my writing when I was younger, but which I never got around to doing. I love writing childrens stories, and had forgotten that. So watch this space, as I will hopefully have something to show you in a couple of weeks after I have a weekend away with the Fox cubs.
Its made me think about just how proud I am of Crafty Lil' Lel.
Usually I am too involved in the day to day, and things I need to be doing for it, that I forget to step back and see just where I am going with it, and just how hard I am working for it. Its been nice to look back over it and reflect on all the good things I am doing for myself.
Looking back through my blog posts I can see just how determined I am. I've always been a little stubbon as well, and I think this helps. Because it means that I won't give up until I manage to do something. And I've finally managed to get heat embossing to work for me!
I've also seen how the things that I want are not unachieveable. If I continue to work hard, then I can earn the things on my wish list, and know that I have done it for myself. I've also learnt that I am quite good at taking my own advice. Something that has definitely changed for the better in me over the last few years!
If theres one real thing though, that I think has really stood out to me, is that my desire to learn really is still there. I thought this had hidden away after finishing university, so to realise that that passion for developing myself and aquiring knowledge and skills is back, is a great feeling. And one that I have missed.
And so as I sign off for the day, and tootle off to make some more cards for this weekends event, I can do so knowing that no matter what the day might bring, I will get there in the end!
Lel x